(too old to reply)
RustY ©
2008-10-20 16:42:42 UTC
This sounds like an interesting place to lurk around. I expect it may get
quite busy at times.
2008-10-20 19:02:08 UTC
Post by RustY ©
This sounds like an interesting place to lurk around. I expect it may get
quite busy at times.
Nah there's been a few posts over the past couple of days. The first for
2008-10-21 07:25:09 UTC
Post by Paul*
Post by RustY ©
This sounds like an interesting place to lurk around. I expect it
may get quite busy at times.
Nah there's been a few posts over the past couple of days. The first
for months.
Well, you just gained another lurker now VM carry the group too.
2008-10-22 22:44:49 UTC
Post by Tralfamador
Post by Paul*
Post by RustY ©
This sounds like an interesting place to lurk around. I expect it
may get quite busy at times.
Nah there's been a few posts over the past couple of days. The first
for months.
Well, you just gained another lurker now VM carry the group too.
Which as its only just become the case may explain why disgruntled VM users
have not posted previously? The VM newsgroup help is the jewel in a very
muddy crown and compared to the customer circus phone desk it is light years
ahead and they do not contradict information and solutions given by on site
tech's unlike the phonists.
