Access to newsgroup alt.fifty-plus.friends stopped. Why?
(too old to reply)
Baba Mung
2010-10-31 12:51:54 UTC
Can anybody enlighten me as to reasons for sudden disappearance of this
newsgroup from virginmedia server?

Baba Mung
2010-10-31 13:38:28 UTC
Post by Baba Mung
Can anybody enlighten me as to reasons for sudden disappearance of this
newsgroup from virginmedia server?
It hasn't disappeared. OE seems to be notorious for "losing" groups
randomly. Try asking OE to re=-set the groups list, try resting that
group, try un-subscribing and re-subscribing that group. One of those
should fix it.
You cannot simply assume someone is honest
just because they are not an MP.
2010-11-04 11:42:36 UTC
Post by Baba Mung
Can anybody enlighten me as to reasons for sudden disappearance of this
newsgroup from virginmedia server?
Baba Mung
I am accessing this newsgroup via news.virginmedia.com at this very minute.