PING : Auld sousider.
(too old to reply)
2010-04-14 17:04:43 UTC
My grannie was Arthur street (can't spell ehthur), mind you she was born
1916 so may be a bit older than you.
Auld Sousider
2010-04-15 13:20:30 UTC
My grannie was Arthur street (can't spell ehthur), mind you she was born 1916
so may be a bit older than you.
My Mother (born 1908, Married 1935) whose mother lived round the corner
in the Dumbiedykes might have known her.

I only left the old Forbes Street in 1971. I have worked out that as a
toddler I lived in the St Leonards police cells - more accurely where
the cells are now!
Auld Sousider
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