Honest mistakes!! lol
(too old to reply)
An X customer
2011-01-28 18:44:05 UTC
Trust me everyone, do not touch this company with a barge pole they go back
on their word and call it an honest mistake.
Its funny how two call centre contacts made honest mistakes at any rate
that is what the third person told me.

. Be very aware of anything they say because the chances are they will go
back on their word. They certainly did with me.

Be warned do not trust the word of any of their staff and if speaking with
them take full note of names, times etc.Unfortunately I trusted them without
doing so. Better still record the call. They record your calls but don't
let you have a transcript.

Now an X customer and never to touch virgin products again. The sim card is
in the bin too.
Mike Jones
2011-01-28 19:33:26 UTC
Post by An X customer
Trust me everyone, do not touch this company with a barge pole they go
back on their word and call it an honest mistake.
Its funny how two call centre contacts made honest mistakes at any rate
that is what the third person told me.
. Be very aware of anything they say because the chances are they will
go back on their word. They certainly did with me.
Be warned do not trust the word of any of their staff and if speaking
with them take full note of names, times etc.Unfortunately I trusted
them without doing so. Better still record the call. They record your
calls but don't let you have a transcript.
Now an X customer and never to touch virgin products again. The sim card
is in the bin too.
Destroy it if you're serious.
*=( http://www.churchofreality.org/
Ian Field
2011-06-13 20:32:33 UTC
Post by Mike Jones
Post by An X customer
Trust me everyone, do not touch this company with a barge pole they
go back on their word and call it an honest mistake.
Its funny how two call centre contacts made honest mistakes at any
rate that is what the third person told me.
. Be very aware of anything they say because the chances are they
will go back on their word. They certainly did with me.
Be warned do not trust the word of any of their staff and if speaking
with them take full note of names, times etc.Unfortunately I trusted
them without doing so. Better still record the call. They record
your calls but don't let you have a transcript.
Now an X customer and never to touch virgin products again. The sim
card is in the bin too.
Destroy it if you're serious.
I wish the landline had wider bandwidth - I could dial 150 and put the phone
in the microwave.
